
One Joy! More Joy! Always Joy!

We exist as an order of 21st century queer nuns who welcome a broad spectrum of genders, sexual orientations and religious/spiritual traditions. Through humour, irreverent wit and glamorous manifestation, we seek to transform social structures that continue to oppress the vulnerable in our society. Through introspection and community service, we support the spiritual and personal development of our members and those we serve.

We honour the ‘sistory’ of the world-wide Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence by working to improve the lives of those affected by HIV. We also honour Vancouver’s present-day reality through work to alleviate and end homelessness, and provide support to groups and projects that might otherwise go unacknowledged. We bring together diverse community groups who are striving towards similar goals.

We join with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence around the world through our universal vows to promulgate universal joy, expiate stigmatic guilt and serve the community, our fellow Sisters and the Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Abbey of the Long Cedar Canoe Society is incorporated as a non-profit organization in British Columbia (Society No. S-57503) and is registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency as a charitable organization (Charitable Registration No. 83349 2804 R0001). 

Current Board

Sister Merry A Nette (Reverend Mother)

Sister Merry J Wana (Lady of Counsel/Mistress of Novices)

Sister Bodice Rippa (Mistress of the Quill, Alms, and Charity)

More Information

Do you need more information than our little spot on the internet has for you? Feel free to email us